We're all just walking each other home.
— Ram Dass
Psycho-Spiritual Counseling
The many years I’ve devoted to training my heart and mind in Buddhist monasteries, on silent retreat, and in plant medicine ceremonies form the well of wisdom from which I draw in my life and my work. It’s this training, more than the degrees and certifications, that is perhaps the most important of all my educational pursuits, as it’s given me access to deep presence, stability, and attunement, as well as a greater capacity for true empathic understanding and compassion.
I believe in looking honestly and courageously at reality and honoring both the horrifically heartbreaking and profoundly gorgeous aspects of being alive. I believe that learning to regulate the nervous system is one of the most important skills for finding ease and safety in life. I believe that meditation practice and plant medicine work are two of the best ways to inquire into the self and open the heart.
My approach to counseling brings together my academic and experiential knowledge of plant medicine work, Buddhism, positive psychology, and nervous system regulation. My intention is to walk alongside you and support you in deepening your relationship with the great mystery.
Psychedelic Integration
Drawing on 7 years of personal plant medicine experience and a yearlong certification in psychedelic support, I will help you explore the process of making sense and making change: you’ll learn how to draw wisdom and lessons from your expanded state experiences and how to make changes in your life to live in greater alignment with your truth.
Mindfulness Coaching
Drawing on 8 years of Buddhist meditation training, I’ll help you learn how to develop mental clarity and easeful open-heartedness through meditation techniques and teachings based in the Vipassana and Zen traditions of Buddhism and informed by the Shinzen Young’s Unified Mindfulness.
One-hour sessions: $200/hour
Eight-session package: $1400
Scholarships available upon request